Nana | 80th Birthday

posted in: personal | 4
I made a CHALLENGE last Friday to anyone who follows me on facebook and twitter.
The CHALLENGE was to
“Go out this weekend and take pictures of your loved ones. You won’t ever regret it.”
I was already planning to go with my family to Reelfoot Lake to celebrate
my Dad’s mom’s 80th Birthday.
We call her Nana.
I don’t know if it’s just where I am in life, but lately it has been hitting me hard that
we don’t have our whole lives to love and be with older family members.
No matter how obnoxious, demanding, weird, or boring they may seem,
they have stories, jokes, and love to share.
The whole time, I found it difficult to do my own CHALLENGE.
I kept thinking “Gosh, I wish I had hired someone to do this!”
But I couldn’t let the day go by without documenting Nana’s hilarious faces and
the joy she had on that day.

Happy Birthday, Nana!
80 years of life.
Andrew and I got her a Hallmark card with the Hampster Dance Song.
Have you ever seen an 80 year old move like this?!


You know how you see something and say, “Man, I want to take a picture of that.”
But then you don’t?
I do that A LOT.
This weekend was about NOT doing that.
On the way home, we stopped on the highway for these shots of the beautiful weeds in a cornfield.

4 Responses

  1. Michelle Stone

    So sweet! Your Nana looks great for 80!! And those pictures are so cute of her. I wish I had taken more photos of my granndma. And oh my gosh, I do the whole "man I want to take a picture but don't" way too much! I've been working on that though. Great reminder!

  2. jana west

    OH AMY, I just love your family and all of these pictures. I love your creativity and how you put your heart into what you do. I’m so glad I know you. AND I hope I can afford you when Natalie and Rachel get married. Love you!