This is a public announcement… :)
Every bride, groom, family, kid, parent, senior, bridesmaid, groomsman, and every professional I had the opportunity to serve with in 2011, THANK YOU!
I’m constantly amazed at the wonderful people I meet and I have absolutely loved getting to know and serve you this year!

The following represents just *some* of my favorite images from every wedding, engagement, family, bride, senior, love session, proposal, and day in the life session in 2011.
Not only are all 80+ of those amazing people represented, but their families and friends as well! Just click the play button and enjoy! (There is music as well.)
And as for 2012, may you be filled with joy, purpose & love! I hope you cherish every memory with friends and loved ones this year!

The amydale photography Family – January – December 2011


Music by the ridiculously talented best Memphis-based band there is, Star & Micey.
“My Beginning”, “On My Own”, and “I Love You” are featured in this slideshow.
Go buy their stuff here. It makes everything better.

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