Layla Phoenix Dale | Personal

posted in: day in the life, family, kids, news, personal | 13

So. I was pregnant. And. I had a baby. WOO HOO!
Layla Phoenix Dale. Born December 9, 2012 at 6:57pm. 6lbs. 7oz. 19.5 inches.
This week she is 6 weeks old. I figured it was time for her blog debut.

The minute she entered the world she was enamored by her daddy’s voice and was a red-headed spitfire, ready to make our lives crazy…err… wonderful. ;)
It has been a really insane 6 weeks. While being sleep-deprived does not even begin to describe it, I wouldn’t trade it for anything. The good, bad, ugly and horrendous
have all been part of our story, our road to family and closeness. Everything we will experience is part of that and while it may not look like this or that person’s – it’s ours.
As her name means, “Beauty rises from the ashes”, she has been just that. Our little piece of beauty amongst life’s ashes. So, here you go, world… Miss Layla…

Andrew holds her just minutes after her debut into the world…


Taking one of those hard-to-come-by naps at 10 days old…amydale_photography_baby_day_in_the_life002

Being lulled by the sweet sound of the blow dryer…amydale_photography_baby_day_in_the_life003

This is my view for most of the day…amydale_photography_baby_day_in_the_life004

Did I say that she loves her daddy? Yea… she’s got him WHIPPED…amydale_photography_baby_day_in_the_life005 amydale_photography_baby_day_in_the_life006

I’m Layla Dale and I like to have one sock on, one sock off. Oh.. and I spit up on everything these clowns dress me in… Oh… and I have insanely huge lungs…amydale_photography_baby_day_in_the_life007 amydale_photography_baby_day_in_the_life008 amydale_photography_baby_day_in_the_life009

13 Responses

  1. Anna

    Amy, what beautiful pictures!!! She is so precious! Love this post! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Stacey

    Although I think she looks different in EVERY picture (are you sure you didn’t have twins..??), I think she looks most like you, Amy! She is so cute!

  3. Jennifer

    Obsessed! She is precious. She’s definitely got spunk… ;)

  4. Bob Dale

    What an awesome granddaughter! And how nice it is to have a professional photographer for a daughter-in-law!

  5. Layla's Pops

    She is absolutely adorable. I love it that she has great mother like daughter! Let it loose Miss Layla! Your Pops loves you..

  6. Mary-Hall

    She has changed so much in just a few days! Ransom wants to know why she is crying??? I told him it was because she wants to play with him.

  7. Jon Moldie

    Just adorable – she has her Mothers twinkle in her eye :)
    The B&W photos are insanely perfect, so good.
    Well done TEAM DALE :) x